We had a great January 2025 meeting of Eastside Republican Club, including our annual business meeting and Glen Morgan of We The Governed as our special guest speaker.
The Club elected Doug Basler to once again serve as our president for 2025; he previously served as ERC President for 2020-2022 and 2024. Toby Nixon, former state representative and Kirkland city council member (and long-time ERC webmaster), was elected as Vice President. Kathleen Strong and Michael Scheele were re-elected as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Doug Basler, Derek Chartrand, Kerry French, Ruphina Nord, Michael Scheele, and Kathleen Strong were re-elected to additional two-year terms on the Board. Rick Jacobs, who we thanked for his service as a board member and vice president for 2024, stepped down from the board. Donna Barr, a long-time previous board member, was elected to a new two-year term. We thank them all for their willingness to serve (again)!
Also at the annual business meeting, Michael provided a Treasurer’s Report, informing us that the club is in healthy financial shape, pretty much breaking even with our dues and meeting fees covering the cost of venue rentals and other expenses. And Doug provided a President’s Report, focusing on his vision for growing the club membership in 2025. We look forward to all the great things ahead for the club this year!
Mark Your Calendar!
The February 2025 meeting of Eastside Republican Club will be on our usual second Tuesday, February 11. We’ll have another great guest speaker who will be announced shortly.
Time to Renew Your Membership!
If you have not already done so, please go to the Join page and renew your ERC membership for 2025. Of course, if you aren’t yet a member, we invite you to join! There are three membership levels: Basic $25, Silver $50, and Gold $100. Your dues help cover the cost of meeting location rental and other expenses of operating the club. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!
Please join us for the monthly meeting of Eastside Republican Club on Tuesday, January 14, at 6:30 PM. We’ll meet at the Hilton Garden Inn, 16630 Redmond Way in Redmond. See the Location page for driving directions, a map, and parking information. Food is available from the Fork and Spoke restaurant in the hotel, which is open from 5-9PM for dinner; you can preview the menu on ZMenu. PleaseRSVP if you plan to attend!
Annual Business Meeting
We’ll start with the Annual Business Meeting to elect the ERC president and board members for 2025. If you’re interested in serving, please email us at info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org and let us know!
To be eligible to vote for our officers and board members during the business meeting, you will need to be a dues-paying member of the club either by registering and paying by January 9 or having been a paid member for 2024. It’s time for everyone to renew your membership for 2025 as well. Membership prices are still only $25 Basic, $50 Silver, and $100 Gold. Please renew today so you don’t forget! You can join or renew your membership on the Join page.
Glen Morgan of We The Governed
We’re very pleased to announce that our special guest speaker will be Glen Morgan of We The Governed to update us on his many activities to protect our rights and expose government corruption, and look ahead to the 2025 legislative session.
Glen is a frequent writer and speaker on property rights, the environmental movement, Big Government, and the importance of citizen activism. In 2014, Bill Whittle called Glen, “The ascended high master of political messaging.” Glen doesn’t consider himself a high master of anything, but he enjoys exploring policy issues in local government and exposing government corruption and incompetence which impacts everyone.
In October, 2023, Glen was awarded the Washington State GOP “Volunteer of the Year.” In June, 2019, Glen was awarded the “Citizen Activist of the Year 2019” award by the Olympic Conference. In 2015, Glen was also honored with the annual Rodney & Laurel McFarland Award presented by the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) “for exemplary performance in preserving and protecting property rights for the year 2014.”
Glen’s articles have been reproduced in publications ranging from the Heritage Insider to local blog sites. He has also appeared on King5 News, KOMO News, Fox News (Q13), KUOW (NPR), Ari Hoffman (KVI 570AM), Jason Rantz (KTTH 770AM), Todd Herman (Seattle -KTTH AM 770), KBKW – Aberdeen, and a variety of other television and radio programs. Glen is often attacked by the Left for daring to expose corruption in government. He frequently testifies on property rights issues at local government hearings and at the Washington State Legislature. Glen is also known for writing opposition statements in the official voter’s guide for voter-approved tax increases, challenging inaccurate and misleading ballot titles created by Washington State’s Attorney General for initiatives and tax increase propositions, among other civic activity.
Glen has also been involved in attempting to address campaign finance reforms to make the process easier and simpler for political beginners. As part of his effort to study Washington State’s campaign finance laws, he has filed over 850 Public Disclosure Campaign Finance and Ethics complaints (2016-2024). These complaints have resulted in over 113 lawsuits, fines, settlements, or forfeiture of contributions (Currently totaling $645,986) against state legislators, state senators, Democratic Party committees, labor unions, judges, and other politicians who violated the Washington State’s campaign finance laws. This includes 19 lawsuits filed by the Washington State Attorney General resulting in 21 judgements based on Glen’s reporting. An additional 208 politicians, PACs, and others have been formally sanctioned for their lawbreaking based on Glen’s efforts. To see the complete list of violators exposed by Glen’s work in this area – go to this page.
Glen is also an investigative citizen journalist who frequently meets with anonymous whistleblowers from various state agencies, local governments, and political parties who want to expose wrongdoing where they work. Glen was repeatedly sued by Yelm, Washington based cult leader JZ Knight after he helped expose her racist speeches from 2011 which caused the Washington State Democratic Party to divest themselves from her donations at the time. Glen has also exposed tax fraud committed by State Senators, homeless camps causing environmental pollution – ignored by environmentalists, and even created alternative logos for Evergreen College. Glen also published Governor Inslee’s “snitch list” – a public record of citizens encouraged to spy on and report their neighbors for their failure to comply with Inslee’s Civilian Covid Compliance Program.
Glen helped launch the Washington Voter Research Project, a Washington State non-profit organization that helps concerned volunteer activists canvass Washington State’s voter rolls and help local auditors clean up problematic and sloppy voter rolls. He has repeatedly been attacked by the corporate media, angry politicians, and the Democratic Party for daring to look at elections, a project he has been involved in long before Trump decided to run for public office.
As a fifth generation Washingtonian, Glen’s roots run deep in Washington State. His great-great grandmother helped start the Pike Place Market, where multiple generations sold flowers in Seattle for many years. His great-Uncle Ed Dalby installed the first power-generating waterwheel in Union, WA in the early 1920s. Glen’s father helped found the City of Newcastle, and his father served as a City Councilman in that city in the 1990s. Glen graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in Federal Way. After graduating from college with a BA in political science from Columbia College in New York City, Glen returned home and worked for small start-up companies and local manufacturing businesses. He currently lives on a small tree farm in Thurston County with his wife and their flock of free-range children. They also have a large flock of free-range Icelandic chickens, peafowl and other helpful farm animals.
Please RSVP!
If you plan to attend the meeting, please click RSVP to register, and pay online in advance. The cost is $15 per person ($10 for College Republicans and Young Republicans) to cover the cost of the meeting space. Food is available from the Fork and Spoke restaurant in the hotel, which is open from 5-9PM for dinner; you can preview the menu on ZMenu.
We had a great turnout for the January 9 meeting of Eastside Republican Club, with excellent speakers including Brian Heywood of Let’s Go Washington (who just got six excellent initiatives on the 2024 ballot!), Glen Morgan of We The Governed, and chair of the Washington State Republican Party, State Rep. Jim Walsh! If you weren’t there, you missed a great meeting!
We also held our Annual Business Meeting, at which ERC thanked Derek Chartrand for his service as ERC President for 2023. Derek has announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress in the 1st District, and we wish him success in that endeavour! We elected a new president and board members as well.
Our Club president for 2024 is Doug Basler, who previously served as ERC President for 2020-2022. Ruphina Nord, National Committeewoman for Washington State Young Republicans, was re-elected as ERC Vice President, and Kathleen Strong and Michael Scheele were re-elected as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Lenny Chacon, who serves as Chair of the Washington State Young Republicans, was re-elected to another two-year term on the ERC Board of Directors. Rick Jacobs was elected to his first term on the Board, and former state representative and Kirkland city councilmember Toby Nixon returned to the Board, having previously served several terms (Toby also manages the ERC web site and email lists). The club thanked Donna Barr and Ted Reinhart, who stepped down from the Board, for their faithful service.
We look forward to all the great things ahead for the club in 2024!
Mark Your Calendar!
The February 2024 meeting of Eastside Republican Club will be on our usual Second Tuesday, February 13, since it doesn’t collide with Valentine’s Day this year. The location and program will be announced soon.
We also take this opportunity to remind you to attend your Republican precinct caucuses this Saturday, January 13. For more information on locations and times, visit https://kcgop.org/2024caucus/ and https://wsrp.org/convention/
Time to Renew Your Membership!
If you have not already done so, please go to the Join page and renew your ERC membership for 2024. Of course if you aren’t yet a member, we invite you to join! There are three membership levels: Basic $25, Silver $50, and Gold $100. Your dues help cover the cost of meeting location rental and other expenses of operating the club. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!
Please join us for the monthly meeting of Eastside Republican Club on Tuesday, January 9, at 6:30 PM. We’ll meet at the Barn at Willowcrest Stables(note new location!),12053 154th Place NE in Redmond. See the Location page for driving directions, a map, photos, and parking information. PleaseRSVP if you plan to attend!
Annual Business Meeting
We’ll start with the Annual Business Meeting to elect the ERC president and board members for 2024. If you’re interested in serving, please email us at info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org and let us know!
To be eligible to vote for our officers and board members during the business meeting, you will need to be a dues-paying member of the club either by registering and paying by January 9 or having been a paid member for 2023. It’s time for everyone to renew your membership for 2024 as well. Membership prices are still only $25 Basic, $50 Silver, and $100 Gold. Please renew today so you don’t forget! You can join or renew your membership on the Join page.
Glen Morgan of We The Governed
Unfortunately, WSRP Chair Jim Walsh is unable to make it to our meeting this month as previously announced. But we’re very pleased to announce that our special guest speaker will be Glen Morgan of We The Governed. to update us on his many activities to protect our rights and expose government corruption and the initiatives to the legislature in 2024.
Glen is a frequent writer and speaker on property rights, the environmental movement, Big Government, and the importance of citizen activism. In 2014, Bill Whittle called Glen “The ascended high master of political messaging.” Glen doesn’t consider himself a high master of anything, but he enjoys exploring policy issues in local government and exposing government corruption and incompetence which impacts everyone.
In October, 2023, Glen was awarded the Washington State GOP “Volunteer of the Year.” In June, 2019, Glen was awarded the “Citizen Activist of the Year 2019” award by the Olympic Conference. In 2015, Glen was also honored with the annual Rodney & Laurel McFarland Award presented by the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) “for exemplary performance in preserving and protecting property rights for the year 2014.”
Glen is also an investigative citizen journalist who frequently meets with anonymous whistleblowers from various state agencies, local governments, and political parties who want to expose wrongdoing where they work. Glen has been repeatedly sued by Yelm, Washington based cult leader JZ Knight after he helped expose her racist speeches from 2011 which caused the Washington State Democratic Party to divest themselves from her donations at the time. Glen has also exposed tax fraud committed by State Senators, homeless camps causing environmental pollution – ignored by environmentalists, and even created alternative logos for Evergreen College. Glen also published Governor Inslee’s “snitch list” – a public record of citizens encouraged to spy on and report their neighbors for their failure to comply with Inslee’s Civilian Covid Compliance Program.
Glen helped launch the Washington Voter Research Project, a Washington State non-profit organization that helps concerned volunteer activists canvass Washington State’s voter rolls and help local auditors clean up problematic and sloppy voter rolls. He has repeatedly been attacked by the corporate media, angry politicians, and the Democratic Party for daring to look at elections, a project he has been involved in long before Trump decided to run for public office.
Please RSVP!
If you plan to attend the meeting, please click RSVP to register, and pay online in advance. The cost is $15 per person ($10 for College Republicans and Young Republicans) to cover the cost of the meeting space and food. Please register in advance so we know how much pizza and beverages to bring!
At our Annual Business Meeting on January 10, Eastside Republican Club thanked Doug Basler for his excellent service as President for the past three years, guiding the Club during the very trying times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fortunately, Doug will continue to serve as a board member and immediate past president!
Our new Club president for 2023 is Derek Chartrand; he had previously served as ERC Vice President. Ruphina Nord was elected as our new Vice President, and Kathleen Strong and Michael Scheele were re-elected as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Five board members whose terms were ending in 2023 were re-elected to another two-year term on the board: Doug Basler, Derek Chartrand, Kerry French, Michael Scheele, and Kathleen Strong. Ruphina Nord was elected to a new two-year term on the board. Continuing board members whose terms end in 2024 are Donna Barr, Lenny Chacon, and Ted Reinhart. Thanks to all for your willingness to serve!
Mark Your Calendar!
The February 2023 meeting of Eastside Republican Club will be held on the first Tuesday of the month, February 7, rather than the usual second Tuesday, February 14. This will allow club members to celebrate Valentine’s Day with their spouses or significant others, and will also enable the Kirkland Eagles to hold their traditional Valentine’s Day Dinner on the traditional date. We’ll announce the program for the February 7 meeting in the near future!
Time to Renew Membership!
If you have not already done so, please go to the Join page and renew your ERC membership for 2023. Of course if you aren’t yet a member, we invite you to join! There are three membership levels: Basic $25, Silver $50, and Gold $100. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!
Please join us for the first Eastside Republican Club meeting of 2023 on Tuesday, January 10, at 6:30 PM at the Kirkland Eagles Club. And pleaseRSVP if you plan to attend!
We’ll start with the Annual Business Meeting to elect ERC officers and board members for 2023. If you’re interested in serving, please email us at info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org and let us know!
To be eligible to vote for our officers and board members during the business meeting, you will need to be a paying member of the club either by registering and paying by January 10 or having been a paid member for 2022. It’s time for everyone to renew your membership for 2023 as well. Membership prices are still only $25 Basic, $50 Silver, and $100 Gold. Please renew today so you don’t forget! You can join or renew your membership on the Join page.
Dann Mead Smith – Project 42
After the short business meeting, we’ll have the pleasure of hearing from Dann Mead Smith, who will tell as all about Project 42, which “is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization created to change the course of Washington state to prioritize free markets, personal liberty and an individual’s right to prosper.”
As President of Washington Policy Center, Dann testified by invitation before dozens of legislative committees in Olympia and appeared on numerous radio and TV newscasts and programs around the state promoting the Center’s work. He also appeared on the national PBS “Debates Debates” television program. Dann is a member of Seattle Rotary #4 and the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition’s Washington Advisory Committee; serves as board chairman of Citizen Action Defense Fund, a public interest law group in our state; former board member of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and founding board member of the Worker Rights Alliance.
He also served on the Advisory Group of the Washington State Tax Structure Study Committee and the Citizen Performance Audit Oversight Board after being appointed by Gov. Gregoire. Before becoming President of WPC, he worked for the Washington Institute for Policy Studies, was Vice President of the Washington Institute Foundation, and worked on two statewide campaigns (for a statewide ballot measure and a candidate for governor).
He is a graduate of Western Washington University and lives with his wife in Seattle and has two daughters.
Please join us for this month’s meeting of Eastside Republican Club on Tuesday, January 11, at 6:30 PM. This meeting will be held in the loft of the big barn at Willowcrest Stables in Redmond, 12053 154th Place NE, hosted by our good friend Brian Heywood. Please go to the Location page for driving directions, a map, and photos to help you get there. And pleaseRSVP if you plan to attend!
We’ll start with the Annual Business Meeting to elect ERC officers and board members for 2022. If you’re interested in serving, please email us at info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org and let us know!
After the short business meeting, we’ll have the pleasure of hearing from chair of the Pierce County Republican Party Dave McMullan, and Executive Director of the King County GOP Jeff Harvey. We’ll have a great discussion on this year’s legislative session (which starts on January 10) and what will be an amazing political year for all of us!
About the Annual Business Meeting
To be eligible to vote for our officers and board members during the business meeting, you will need to be a paying member of the club either by registering and paying by January 11 or being a paid member from 2021. It is time for everyone to renew your membership as well. Membership prices are still only $25 Basic, $50 Silver, and $100 Gold. Please renew today so you don’t forget! You can join or renew your membership on the Join page.
Please join us for the next meeting of Eastside Republican Club on Tuesday, January 12, at 7:00 PM via Zoom and Facebook Live. There’s no cost to attend!
We’ll start with the Annual Business Meeting to elect ERC officers and board members for 2021. If you’re interested in serving, please email us at info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org and let us know!
After the short business meeting, we’ll hear from two fantastic guests: State Representative Jim Walsh (R-Aberdeen, 19th District) and former State Senator Mark Miloscia (R-Federal Way, 30th District) who is now the head of the Family Policy Institute of Washington. They will give us the inside information we need to be prepared for this year’s legislative session.
Please click RSVP to register, and we’ll email you the link to attend the Zoom meeting so you can ask questions of our guests and participate in voting. If you just want to watch, you can view the live stream of the meeting on the ERC Facebook page. You don’t need to be a member of Facebook to watch!
About the Annual Business Meeting
To be eligible to vote for our officers and board members during the business meeting, you will need to be a paying member of the club either by registering and paying by January 12 or being a paid member from 2020. It is time for everyone to renew your membership as well. Membership prices are still only $25 Basic, $50 Silver, and $100 Gold. Please renew today so you don’t forget! You can join or renew your membership on the Join page.
Please join ERC at the Sheraton Bellevue Hotel (Note New Location for 2020!) at 6PM on January 7 when our speaker will be Caleb Heimlich, chairman of the Washington State Republican Party, for a look ahead to the 2020 legislative session and elections.
Caleb Heimlich has served as chair of the Washington State Republican Party since the beginning of 2018. Born and raised in Puyallup, the third of eight children, Caleb was home educated until he enrolled at age 17 in Running Start at Pierce Community College. He went on to graduate Hillsdale CollegeMagna Cum Laude with a degree in Political Economy. Upon graduation, he worked for Americans for Prosperity in Washington DC and then for AFP in Washington State organizing grass-roots activists. That led to being hired as the Political Director of the WSRP in 2011, promoted to Executive Director in 2013 with the additional title of Chief of Staff in 2016. Caleb’s political experience includes running for office at the age of 23 in LD 25. Though unsuccessful in the primary, he immediately worked on the field team for the Pierce County Republican Party.
On January 7, ERC will also hold our Annual Business Meeting, electing board members as well as officers for 2020. Individuals who have been ERC members for at least the three months preceding the meeting will be eligible to vote. If you are interested in serving on the board, please email info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org.
Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Sheraton Bellevue Hotel (Note New Location for 2020!); click here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $25 per person and include dinner (but you get a $2 discount for paying online in advance). Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.
Please join ERC at the Red Lion Bellevue at 6PM on January 8 when our speaker will be Kirby Wilbur for a retrospective on 2018 and the lessons learned. He will also offer a look ahead in 2019, including the latest on heroin-injection sites and gun rights in Washington (I-1639 and Ferguson’s Wish List). Join us for a light dinner buffet at 6:00 at the Bellevue Red Lion.
Kirby Wilbur moved to Seattle from Washington DC at the age of 8 and graduated from Queen Anne High School and the University of Washington with a degree in history. He has been active in politics since high school. He was state chairman of the Young Republicans (1979-1981), and has been a delegate or alternate delegate to eight national Republican conventions. Kirby was a familiar voice on talk radio on KVI between 1993 and 2009. After leaving KVI, he became state director of Americans for Prosperity, and then was elected chairman of the Washington State Republican Party in 2011. He left that position in July, 2013, to become executive director of the National Journalism Center in Reston, Virginia. Kirby returned to KVI in 2016. Kirby and his wife Trina met working on Ronald Reagan’s campaign and have two sons.
On January 8, ERC will also hold our Annual Business Meeting, electing board members as well as officers for 2019. Individuals who have been ERC members for at least the three months preceding the meeting will be eligible to vote. If you are interested in serving on the board, please email info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org.
Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevue; click here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.