Please join us for the monthly meeting of Eastside Republican Club on Tuesday, September 10. Our special start time this month is 6:00PM. We’ll meet at the Hilton Garden Inn, 16630 Redmond Way in Redmond. See the Location page for driving directions, a map, and parking information. Food is available from the Fork and Spoke restaurant in the hotel, which is open from 5-9PM for dinner; you can preview the menu on ZMenu. Please RSVP if you plan to attend!
Our special guests this month will be David Olson, candidate for state Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Sharon Hanek, Republican candidate for State Treasurer. We look forward to hearing about their plans and priorities, and learning how we can help their campaigns. You can read about them below.
This meeting will also be a Debate Watch Party! Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will be debating on ABC 6:00-7:30PM, and Dave Reichert and Bob Ferguson will be debating 8:00-9:00PM on KING 5. We’ll watch both debates on the big screen, and hear from our special guests during the time between. Come join your friends in cheering the Republicans and jeering the Democrats!
David Olson for Superintendent of Public Instruction

David Olson is running for Washington state Superintendent of Public Instruction this year. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is the primary state agency overseeing public K-12 education in Washington. The office channels funding to schools, implements state education laws and sets curriculum standards. SPI is a non-partisan office. David is recommended by the Washington State Republican Party and King County GOP.
David is a husband, father of four, a retired US Navy Chief Warrant Officer. He has served on the board of directors of Peninsula School District since 2014, including being board chair in 2021 and the current vice chair. He sits on the Board of the Greater Gig Harbor Foundation, serving on the Education Cabinet and as Chair of the Students of Distinction Committee, and is a member of the Friday morning Rotary Club. He previously served as President of the City Club of Tacoma, Vice President of the Hilltop Business Association, and served on the board of the local FISH Food Bank.
Sharon Hanek for State Treasurer

Sharon Hanek is running this year to be Washington State Treasurer. The State Treasurer is Washington’s chief financial officer. The Office of the State Treasurer (OST) serves as the bank for Washington State government; its divisions manage public investments, debt, and cash for the State of Washington and leads policy initiatives affecting the State Treasury and the state’s long-term fiscal health.
Sharon holds a BA in Business Administration and Accounting from the UW Foster School of Business. She went on to get her Certified Public Accountant license in 1980. After acquiring several years of experience in accounting, auditing, tax, and finance she established her own private tax and accounting practice. For the past several decades, she has been active in seeking to influence public policy, researching and analyzing bills, working with legislators, and testifying on issues related to budget, taxes, transportation and education. Recently she combined her interest in politics, financial background, and research skills to form a public policy research company.
Please RSVP!
If you plan to attend the meeting, please click RSVP to register, and pay online in advance. The cost is $15 per person ($10 for College Republicans and Young Republicans) to cover the cost of the meeting space. Food is available from the Fork and Spoke restaurant in the hotel, which is open from 5-9PM for dinner; you can preview the menu on ZMenu.