Eastside Republican Club
2023 Annual Holiday
Potluck Dinner
and Auction
Saturday, December 9, 5:30-8 PM
Sammamish Valley Grange
14654 148th Ave NE, Woodinville
$30 per person until December 1
$40 per person after December 1
$25 for Young Republicans
and College Republicans
Click Here to Register
Click Here to
Sponsor a Young Republican to Attend
Come celebrate the holidays with your friends at Eastside Republican Club! This year we’ll be having a Potluck Dinner! The club will provide Roast Turkey as the main course, and also provide plates, utensils, napkins, and beverages. Members and guests are asked to bring side dishes and desserts to share — whatever your favorite accompaniment might be! We’ll have a surprise guest speaker and an auction as always, but mostly it’s a time for us to be together and enjoy each others’ company.
Directions: From I-405, take exit 20B for NE 124th Street. Head east on NE 124th Street about 2.2 miles to Redmond-Woodinville Road (SR-202). Turn left and head north about 1.7 miles; the Sammamish Valley Grange Hall is on your right, just past the second roundabout and the Hollywood Schoolhouse.

Contact auction@eastsiderepublicanclub.org if you have any questions.