Please join us for the monthly meeting of Eastside Republican Club on Tuesday, February 7, at 6:30 PM. Note that this is the first Tuesday of the month rather than the usual second Tuesday, to allow club members to celebrate Valentine’s Day with their spouses or significant others and also enable the Kirkland Eagles to hold their annual Valentine’s Day Dinner on the traditional date.
We meet at the Kirkland Eagles club, 258 Central Way in beautiful downtown Kirkland! See the Location page for driving directions, a map, photos, and parking information. Please RSVP if you plan to attend! Note that ERC members can’t enter the Eagles Club until an Eagle is there to sign you in — so please consider not arriving until 6PM or so (maybe 5:30). Thanks!

Our special guest speakers will be Representative Jim Walsh of the 19th Legislative District, and Tim Eyman, who will update us on hot issues in Olympia.
Rep. Walsh is in his 4th term in the state House. His legislative priorities are creating family-wage jobs, adequately funding schools, and protecting taxpayers, property rights and gun rights. He is ranking member of the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee, and also serves on the Transportation Committee and the Regulated Substances and Gaming Committee.
Jim graduated cum laude from Amherst College in 1986. He formed a small publishing company in 1998 that he continues to operate today. Jim has also written columns for the Aberdeen Daily World newspaper, coached boys’ and girls’ basketball teams, and held leadership roles with local and state Republican groups. Jim lives in Aberdeen and has five children.

Tim Eyman is best known for sponsoring many conservative ballot initiatives in Washington, including I-695 (“$30 Car Tabs”), I-747 (1% limit on property tax levy increases), I-18 (reducing the King County Council from 13 members to 9), I-900 (government performance audits), I-960 (2/3rd legislative vote to raise taxes), and many others. He has stood strong in the face of legal persecution by the Washington State Attorney General. His web site is http://www.permanentoffense.com/.
Please RSVP!
If you plan to attend the meeting, please click RSVP to register, and pay online in advance. The cost is $15 per person ($10 for College Republicans and Young Republicans) to cover the cost of the meeting space, and includes dessert and coffee service. As of this posting the Eagles’ chef continues to be on leave and they’re looking for a second chef, so it’s not certain that the full food menu will be available — but we’ll definitely have something to eat!
Time to Renew Membership!
If you have not already done so, please go to the Join page and renew your ERC membership for 2023. Of course if you aren’t yet a member, we invite you to join! There are three membership levels: Basic $25, Silver $50, and Gold $100. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!