Eastside Republican Club
2019 Annual Holiday
Banquet and Auction
with keynote speaker
Rick Green
Saturday, December 7, 5:30-9 PM
Sheraton Bellevue Hotel
100 112th Avenue NE
$75 per person
($90 per person after December 2)
A limited number of Meet & Greet upgrades for regular seating will be available for $30 per person. Includes one complimentary beverage ticket. Must purchase a regular ticket to attend the Meet & Greet.
Click Here to Register

Our incredible keynote speaker is former Texas State Representative Rick Green. Rick travels the nation speaking for David Barton’s Wallbuilders and cohosts a national daily radio program, Wallbuilders Live! He is the author and executive producer of Constitution Alive! and founder of Patriot Academy, which trains young leaders in founding principles. Rick Green stars, along with his wife and four children, in the engaging TV show: Chasing American Legends.
Join us as we celebrate 2019 and look ahead to 2020! Hang out with friends, listen to live music, send messages to our troops and the First Family and start your holiday shopping with special items and opportunities at our silent and live auctions.
Contact auction@eastsiderepublicanclub.org if you have any questions.