When a free and prosperous nation has citizens voting for socialists, tearing down historical monuments, and violently disrupting free speech, then something is broken.
Please join us on September 4 when the topic will be “Fixing a Broken Education System.” The discussion will focus on school choice, restoring parental control, the dangerous school-to-work pipeline, and returning to an accurate, knowledge-based curriculum designed to prepare children to be self-governing citizens in a free and sovereign nation.

Liv Finne is the Director of the Center for Education at Washington Policy Center. Prior to that position she served as an adjunct scholar focusing on education policy issues, authoring in-depth studies including An Overview of Public School Funding in Washington and Early Learning Proposals in Washington State. She is the author of Washington Policy Center’s Education Reform Plan: Eight Practical Ways to Improve Public Schools, Learning Online: An Assessment of Online Public Education Programs, Review of Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Programs for Child Care Services, and more.

Vicki Alger is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute in Oakland, California, and author of the book Failure: The Federal “Misedukation” of America’s Children. She holds Senior Fellowships at the Fraser Institute, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, and the Independent Women’s Forum in Washington, D.C. Alger is also President and CEO of Vicki Murray & Associates LLC in Scottsdale, Arizona. She served on President-elect Trump’s Transition Agency Review team for the U.S. Department of Education.
Meeting Materials
This handout provides lots of ideas how you can protect your children and grandchildren from indoctrination, data collection, invasive surveys, group-think and more.
The Women of Washington Focus Group on Education has compiled this summary of some of the challenges parents face when protecting their children (data collection, personalized learning, socialized learning, school-to-work etc.)
Freedom Center has a published an excellent brochure called Leftist Indoctrination in our K-12 Public Schools. Give copies to friends and family. Send to people and agencies responsible for education (school superintendents, board members and teachers). Provide copies to legislators.
Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevue; click here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.